Tuesday, April 12, 2011


Reese started her first day of school today!  I have had a lot of mixed emotions about this!  I'm extremely happy for her because I think she is getting a little bored at home and wants to play with other kids and meet new friends.  However, I'm going to miss her like CRAZY!  She is such a big help with Cambry and she is my little buddy!  We play games, talk, read books, make forts, play outside, go shopping and do many other things together!  It broke my heart this morning having to put her on a school bus with kids that she didn't know, carry tons of stuff in her backpack and a pillow in her arms.  She, of course, was soooo excited and couldn't wait!

I'm happy for that, but just sad that I won't get to have her around as much!  She will be going to school EVERYDAY, ALL DAY!  What was I thinking?  Thank goodness it is only until the middle of June. That way if she or I don't like it, it will be over quickly!  No, she will love it!  We went there yesterday to meet her teacher, Mr. Steve, and she really liked him!  She was able to meet the other children in her class (a total of 10 in her room) and play outside for 30 minutes with them!  She ran right out there and was playing the entire time!  She was even playing with another little girl for most of the time!  She wasn't one bit shy and loves her new playground.  I'll take a picture of it sometime! I now realize how many of you moms felt on your childrens' first day of school.  So happy and yet so sad!

Reese will be kept very busy during the day so she won't even have a chance to miss us!  She has center time, and then circle time, then they have a snack and go outside for a morning recess.  Then after recess they have a special. The special consists of either Art, P.E., Music, Computers, Library and one other that I can't think of.  After that they will have lunch!  Yes, they switch every other day with the Chinese meal and then a Western type meal.  They do always have options if they do not like the chinese meal though.  After lunch they take a 1 hour nap and then they have a second small snack.  Then she will have her mandarin lesson (chinese lesson).  Once that is finished she will have her second recess and it will be time for me to pick her up!  She starts at 8:30 and goes until 3pm.  So, that is her day!  Now I just have to figure out what I'm going to do with mine!  No, I have plenty to do, but her smiling face will surely be missed by her little sister and her mommy!


  1. Oh my stars! Tears over here, too! Especially when I read the bus part! That was what always got me... She looks so tiny on that big bus! But so cute, and yes, she will love it! And she will do great! Although if she doesn't like it, I could always come to be her private tutor! :)
    Love to you all!
    Tom and Brenda and kiddos

  2. Reese is such a ROCKSTAR!!! I am so proud of her for taking this huge step in a total different world with such a huge smile on her face!!! You and Eric should be so PROUD of how great she is doing in China!!! I can only imagine how many different emotions you were feeling that day! I hope you find a fun hobby to fill your time while Reese is gone. MISS YOU like crazy!!!
