Sunday, April 24, 2011

HELP!!!! HELP!!! Me no speak Chinese, I need HELP!!!

So...not sure if it was a "blonde" moment or if my lovely husband forgot to unlock the porch door this morning and just put the screen door open, but I was locked out on our 9th floor balcony!  What!  Yes...I was locked out on the balcony doing our laundry!  I shut the door to get at the washer and when I went to open it back up to go and feed Cambry...yes my darling 9 month old daughter that was sitting in her exersaucer just staring at me with tears streaming down her face, the door was locked!  I immediately looked around to see if there were any windows open, of course not, the ONE day that I didn't open any of them up yet!  I looked at the side of the building to see if our bedroom or other bathroom windows were open, and believe me...I would have scaled the side of the building to get in!  I kept hearing Cambry crying louder and louder and thought to myself, what am I going to do?  I didn't have my phone on me...yes honey(Eric) I know I should carry it on me at all times, but to do the LAUNDRY...(why didn't YOU unlock the door before opening it) I mean I'm not sure why it wasn't unlocked.  I thought to myself that eventually someone will find me, I was supposed to go away with Fabiana to the market, but wait, she didn't know my room number yet!!!  So I looked down and then realized, I KNOW HOW TO WHISTLE!  Not just the little whistle that you do when you are happy or singing a long to a tune, but the old fashioned finger whistle that can mean"get your butt over hear we need to leave now!"  I have actually used this whistle many times while teaching, during field trips, playground, just for fun!  So Amy, all that practicing we did when we were in middle school or high school, it TOTALLY came in handy and rescued me!  I whistled down to the security guy at the entrance to our building!  At first I didn't want to alarm him too much to think that there was a fire in my room or something too bad, but I did need his help!  So I kind of motioned that I was locked out! I was praying that he would have a master key to unlock my front door and then could unlock the balcony door.  About 5 minutes later, the nice, heroic man came and rescued me off of my balcony!  Cambry was happy as soon as I picked her up, stinker, she just wanted me to hold her!  She could see me the whole time and wondered why I wasn't coming over to her!  All in all, the whole dramatic event probably lasted 15 minutes, but it felt like at least an hour!  So...needless to say, I ALWAYS check the door to see if it is locked every time I go out on the balcony now!  WHeeww!

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